Thursday, September 20, 2007

Th3 Rap3 TRap...

Gals, how to protect yourself from being sexually harassed? Or being raped?

Now, there is a device designed to protect the gals from being attacked. (Actually, its being introduced few years ago)
It is called “rapex”!!

“Rapex”, the condom-like device bristling with internal hooks (or teeth that can bite) designed to snare rapists……
How does it work? The device, concealed inside a woman's body, hooks onto a rapist during penetration and must be surgically removed. The rape trap would be so painful for a rapist that it would disable him immediately, enabling his victim to escape; but would cause no long-term physical damage and could not injure the woman.(However, if the rapist overcome the pain, it is more than likely that he will throw the anger onto the victim by causing more harms and injuries)

The design will also go a long way towards lowering HIV infection as semen is contained in the device, as well as preventing sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies. As it is impossible to remove the device from a penis without medical help, hospitals and clinics will be able to alert police when assistance is sought. This will rule out any possibility of the rapist's escaping arrest and speed up conviction. If the rapist tries to remove the device, it will only embed itself further. The rapist needs to be put under anesthetic to have it removed. He will not be able to leave it as he will be unable to urinate.

Gals, does it sounds good for you??

My personal view is: the device does secure those women who need to travel alone or walk alone or doing anything that put them in sexually harms way.
However, many things need to do to actually prevent the tragedy to be happened…

Kindly visit for further information…

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Every Dog has its Day...

Get This (5000++) Flash MTV at
Free Over 20,000++ Emoticons or Smileys.

Can u imagine tat U being locked in a cage for whole day??
I feel said when this happens to Luckee...
Yes, He being locked in the cage for almost whole day..
At night, i can hear his sad sound....
But i can do nothing..
Pity... Huh....
I strongly feel tat he will be happy under the sky although kena bird's shit....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

HApPee and LucKee....^o^

I recently stay with two dogs, Luckee and Happee, but HAppee had been sent back to his ‘Niang Jia’ (mother’s home) four days ago due to some reasons… Ya, there are some reason why he had been sent back..

I cannot remember when both of them appeared in the house… Just got one that day, they appeared! First came in is Luckee, and then Happee at the next day…

Then, there are some changes in my life… A very minor change…
In the morning, I am waked up by these two lovely dogs….
After back from daily work, I will play with them..

Like human, they also have their own personality. Happee, unlike his name, is quite afraid of us. Sound that is weird for him (ya, only weird for him, but normal to other dog) will make him afraid and run away from you. Luckee likes to Sa Jiao (in English is ‘act like a pampered child’) to us. He likes massage very much.. Expecially my one.. HAha…
It becomes a habit that he wants me to massage him every morning and evening (since Happee was sent back)

Like other dogs, they prefer bone than rice.
If we mix the rice together with meat and bone, they will only eat those meat and bone and left the rice.
However, they will eat them a bit if they really hungry and there is no bone for them at that particular day.

Now, there is only Luckee stay with us..
I doubt what he has done for whole day without Happee..
I think he also hate to be alone, and I wonder will he become crazy like Princeton.. ( a dog owned by a friend of mine.. Go to for more detail) ^o^
If Happee is still with us, sure both of them can play together…Like brothers…

The photo will be posted next.....